Saturday | 27.7.2024

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Technology Transforms Lives - So Does Education .

ISCO1rstWAP and its team devote their time and resources to ISCO (Indonesian Street Children Organization), a non-government organization started by 1rstWAP, dedicated to improving the quality of life for street children through education. Headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia, ISCO addresses the educational needs of children from very poor families who would otherwise live and beg on the streets.

As an independent organization, ISCO is non-political and has no religious affiliations. This organization was formed in 1999, and is based on the pure wish to facilitate the best life prospects for children who suffer from the worst of poverty in crowded slums in Indonesian cities. Often such children are forced to beg from motorists at busy intersections, or take on dangerous and unhealthy work at a very young age.

isco2Being otherwise extremely vulnerable, the education and life skills that ISCO helps provide, gives them a sustainable and realistic opportunity. In fact, some of our children, who would otherwise have to beg on the streets, are topping their classes - thanks to the opportunities enabled by ISCO.

In 2010, over 2000 underprivileged children attended school thanks to ISCO!

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  Special Award Epitomizes Success


1rstWAP won the "Best Product of the Year" in the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's annual Telecommunication & Information Awards for 2002.
The annual "Micronics Internusa Golden Award" recognizes outstanding achievements and developments in the Telecommunication and IT industry in Indonesia.

1rstWAP was selected for the award in recognition of its pioneering role in telecommunications and information technology which has broadened people's knowledge about technology in communications. Also acknowledged was 1rstWAP's focus on customer needs and convenience, security and reliability and effective application of technology.



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