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Location Services

How FTRAX works?


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technology that uses satellite signals to determine the location on earth. GPS devices receive the signals from several GPS satellites and thus calculate the current position with accuracy down to several meters. FTRAX GPS is designed to receive and to process the calculated position data and other data from the GPS devices and to display the processed results in graphical or textual form.


Image Description:

  1. The GPS device in the mobile asset constantly calculates and records its location based on the received satellite signals. GPS devices usually can process additional data received from attached sensors (e.g. temperature sensor) and can perform simple calculations such as speed and direction of movement. These data can be transmitted to a central server via a mobile network (SMS or GPRS).
  2. An FTRAX operator can administrate the GPS devices remotely from his PC via the FTRAX web-based graphical user interface.
  3. The 1rstWAP FTRAX infrastructure sends and receives all GPS device related data via SMS/GPRS and processes it.
  4. The FTRAX customer accesses the location information, reports etc via the FTRAX web-based graphical user interface on geographical maps together with detailed textual reports or as textual summary via SMS messages on any authorized mobile phone.


In cooperation with or provided by local mobile network service providers, the current location data at any one time is retrieved via mobile network interrogations. The GSM device of the mobile asset, be it installed in the asset or carried by a person, is queried in order to detect the mobile network cell to which the GSM device is connected. The query result is processed within the FTRAX system to provide the respective location coordinates and address.

These data are then accessed by the FTRAX operator and displayed in the same way as with GPS devices.


Image Description:

  1. The current mobile network cell information, to which the GSM device is attached, is retrieved from the GSM network..
  2. FTRAX receives and processes the mobile network data in order to provide the location coordinates and address.
  3. The FTRAX customer accesses the location information, reports etc via the FTRAX web-based graphical user interface on geographical maps together with detailed textual reports or as textual summary via SMS messages on any authorized mobile phone.

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